We use cookies and similar techniques so we can help you better and in a more personal way. With cookies, we and third parties track your internet behavior on our website. This way, we'll show you advertisements based on your interests, and you'll be able to share information via social media. If you continue using our website, we'll assume you're OK with that. Want to know more? View our cookie page.
We are here to help you with complaints or questions about your order
If there is something wrong with your order or the quality of your ordered products, we will be glad to help. Simply contact our customer service and we will try to help you as best as we can, or come up with a fitting solution should there be any complaints. This also allows us to improve our service and products for future orders.
Please direct your questions, remarks or complaints to us by phone or email:
- 0031-72-7370119 (on work days from van 9:30 tot 18:00)
- info@alloverpiercingspro.com (answered within 1 work day)